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Dustin Franc

Dustin Franc was born in 1982 in Salt Lake City, Utah, and now lives in Heber City. Its name is pronounced as if there is an s at the end, like France. A sound engineer, he is also an avid pipe smoker, lover of latakias, such as Ashton Artisans Blend, Pirate Kake from C e D, Margate from Esoterica, or Ryujin from Tsuge. It was during the winter of 2015 that he cut his first pipe. If he has not followed the advice of pipe makers in particular, it is above all on the Internet that he will find the answers to his questions, through articles, or specialized forums. Feeling to his great astonishment still so much emotion seeing the pipe makers at work, he tries to find the same inspiration. Soon to be a full-time pipe maker, Dustin enjoys working on contrasts on his smooth or sandblasted pipes, and has also just learned a promising driftwood technique. His heather comes from several sources, Makis, Mimmo, Manno, but he notes that the majority comes from Algeria. Besides the morta, he also likes to work the strawberry tree, for its chaotic grain. Its rods are both acrylic and ebonite, with a Delrin tenon-mortise connection. He also uses bamboo, finding that it goes particularly well with heather. Dustin still works without a lathe, and offers between forty and fifty pipes a year. This number is increasing as it progresses.

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Any doubts on how to submit your first order? In this page you will find simple info which will guide you, step by step, to choose the pipe till the order is settled.



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Consigli su come fumare la pipa

Tips on how to smoke a pipe

We know that smoking the pipe is not a simple matter. Our guide lines would inform you on its basic elements, in order to make you start a new experience and avoid main mistakes.

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